Research Ready Series Event in Philadelphia


We enjoyed a wonderful weekend of meeting, sharing, and learning during our Research Ready Series Event in the Philadelphia area on March 23rd. We are so very thankful for all the families who came to learn more about the research and clinical trial process and for our guest speakers who added so much knowledge, experience, and hope.

Dr. Eric Marsh shared some insights with an overview of Glut1 Deficiency and patient experiences from his clinic at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). Dr. Marsh is also the Clinical Director of the Orphan Disease Center at Penn Medicine and an Associate Professor of Neurology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

Clinical Research Nurse Brian Gaucher shared family-centered insights on clinical trial participation, and Chef Educator Paige Vondran will had presentation about nutritional medicine and had a cooking demonstration and sampling.

We were also thrilled to have Dr. Juan Pascual join us virtually to give some updates on the research he has underway.

Find more information about future Research Ready Series events on our website.